Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Raising my APFT Score

     I have decided to undertake the 100 push-up challenge so I can improve my APFT score through ROTC. My goal is to max the push-ups in my age group which is 42 perfect form push- ups. In my first APFT back in October I was only able to do 17, but I want to be able reach greater goals with my APFT. After I finish the 100 push-up challenge I will be moving on to the 200 sit-up challenge to raise my sit-up score. The max for sit-ups for my age group is 78 sit-ups in 2 minutes.
    My goal is to improve my score in the long run through the push-up challenge and the sit-up challenge along with doing PT with ROTC three days a week and Remedial PT the other two days a week. I would also like to implement  daily doubles into the days that I have remedial PT by doing this workout.
Daily Double Workout:
-100 Push- ups
-Sprint a lap
-100 Sit-ups
-Sprint a lap
-40 Burpees
-Sprint a lap
-40 Squats
-Sprint a lap
-20 Pull-ups

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