Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What Are You Thankful For?

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Have you sat down and thought of what you are thankful for this year? Personally I'm thankful for that my stepmother with whom I am quite close to survived cancer this year. That my grandparents that have health problems are still with me for another year. I'm thankful for the opportunity to pursue higher education, because I realize that not every individual gets that chance. I am also thankful for my siblings growing up together was tough, but I still know that I have their back and they have mine. I'm thankful for my wonderful boyfriend who loves me in the good times and the bad. Mostly this year I'm just thankful for the wonderful family, friends and that have always been there for me. Before the rush of thanksgiving hits and everyone gets excited for Black Friday, take time to realize what you are thankful for and maybe think about giving back to the community. Whether it be helping at your church, at a homeless shelter or an elderly couple who needs help maintaining their yard. We all have countless things to be thankful for why don't we show that thanks by lending a helping hand to others!

One Word: College

These past few months I have been too busy to update my blog, because I have undertaken a new endeavor and the next step in my life. College. Currently I am studying Criminology & Criminal Justice and I am really enjoying these courses. I am also participating in the ROTC program on campus, and it has really opened up doors for new friendships. College has also opened my eyes a bit that not everyone in this world is alike. I had been sheltered for the last 18 years and there are several things I wish I had known about this world prior to entering college. One: Some people will knock you down and tear you apart for what you believe in, but you just have to stay true to yourself. And you have to come to the conclusion that you just must agree to disagree. Two: That your friends in high school won't always be your best friends forever. And finally Three: That college is hard. It's nothing like high school. You can't just not study and expect to get good grades. But in the end as the first semester is nearing to a close I have learned that throughout everything you still have God by your side. Through exams, to dating, to even when you are out in the middle of the field for leadership lab God is always with you. Come hell and high water you know that someone always has your back. And that's why I'm glad to have God as my battle buddy.

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